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OBM Opportunity

Calling all Jill-of-all-trades, all utility players, all right-hand women!  Ready to turn your patchwork-quilt-like background into a career as an Online Business Manager? Join Prowess Project leaders, Ashley & Leah, weekly, for strategies, real-talk and inside tips on how to become the OBM that CEOs are clamoring for.

Oct 31, 2023

Curious about the evolving landscape of social impact in the business world?

Jess Sato, a dedicated advocate for positive change, shares her inspirational journey in a recent conversation.

From her corporate background to a life driven by purpose, Jess's transformation was triggered by a defining moment during...

Oct 23, 2023

Imposter syndrome is a common hurdle for OBMs. Overcome it with these 5 strategies:

  1. Acknowledge imposter syndrome's presence and accept it as part of growth.
  2. Challenge negative thoughts and focus on learning and growth.
  3. Connect with your deeper reasons for pursuing an OBM career.
  4. Set realistic expectations and...

Oct 19, 2023

When starting Prowess Project, Ashley & Leah has BIG dreams. 

But they knew in order to solve the problem that they wanted to solve for women in the workforce, they had to do it differently. 

They had to do it, build it, execute in as if business, in general, were created with women in mind. 


Our mission...